Simulator face scanner defines you are a soldier, a warrior
Scanner Face: Soldier soldier - is a simulator of a joke, funny face scanner that will show you who you are: warrior, soldier, warrior, ninja or samurai knight! Or someone more modern - Marine, super-soldiers, or even a space cyborg infantry!
CAUTION Scanner Face: Fighter Warrior - this is only a simulation, random options outstanding results when analyzing! In this application, there is no highly intelligent face detection, analysis of the position of eyes, wrinkles and other things! Its just a joke application that will lift your spirits!
Do you think that you are a fighter at heart and a warrior? Check who you are more like - test your scanner itself several times, and show the best of friends on the social networks!
There are many martial disciplines - martial arts of the East: the ninja and samurai; Roman legionaries and gladiators; Modern men: infantrymen, tankers, gunners, pilots and sailors! Gather a collection of all kinds of warriors!
The Army is always happy to see in their ranks for real men! May be a soldier - your calling!
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